Rock of Realm (Lea Schizas) A Modern Day Fairy Tale for the Whole Family

Author: N A Sharpe / Labels: , , , , ,

Rock of Realm by Lea Schizas is an exciting tale full of adventure, excitement, and surprises. While written for a young adult audience, the tale is ageless and makes for a great reading experience the whole family can share.

Fourteen year old Alex Stone and her best friend, Sarah, have just finished a babysitting job and are heading home. With Alex’s frisky pet German Shepherd Butch, and Butch’s pet squirrel Pops by their side the girls decide to take the shortcut through the park. Out of nowhere, a small pink stone falls from the sky hitting Alex on top of her head. Nearby the girls find a pouch with gold glitter. While both items seem innocent enough, the girls joke about the possibility of them being magic and recite a chant they had read in a book written by their favorite English teacher. Suddenly, nothing would ever be the same.

Being of royal lineage in a parallel world (a little detail her parents had not discussed with her) Alex finds she and her friends have been transported into the alternate realm and are on the adventure of a lifetime. In this world Alex and Sarah can understand everything Butch and the wise-cracking Pops say. They meet new friends who help them on their quest and learn powerful lessons of friendship and love as their adventure unfolds. Join Alex and her friends as they learn things are not always as they appear.

Lea is an amazing storyteller. Her characters are so interesting and colorful you find yourself wrapped up in their tale and encouraging them on their quest from start to finish.

I can hardly wait for the next adventure in this series!


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